In this exclusive interview accorded to Rene Mbuli by the Vice National Chairman and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the SCNC (Southern Cameroons National Council), Dr. Nfor .N. Nfor gives clarifications and justifications for the Southern Cameroons struggle and explores the contours of its history. He also throws some light on the question of "Federation", the division in the movement, the successes registered and the way forward.
Rene Mbuli
Dr Nfor N. Nfor , you and other English speaking Elites from the Southern Cameroons have been very prominent in most scenes and fora to talk about the plight of the Southern Cameroons people. Can you briefly ventilate the minds of our readers on the history of the Southern Cameroons?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Firstly, may we talk simply of, you, (Nfor N. Nfor) and other Southern Cameroons elite and not “other English speaking Elites from the Southern Cameroons” because more than 90 percent of Southern Cameroonians, whether they speak English or not, support the struggle in one way or the other. English is the official (inherited colonial) language of British Southern Cameroons while French is that of la Republique du Cameroun (all former UN Trust territories).
Anti-colonial struggle in British Southern Cameroons like in all colonial Africa effectively started after WW II. Each colony or trust territory fought for independence from its European metropolis and the nature of the struggle, violent or nonviolent was determined by the policies of the metropolitan European power. Thus while the French policy of assimilation with the mind set of transforming overseas territories into provinces of France for direct control and plunder of the natural resources for the prestige and grandeur of France, made violence inevitable, British Indirect Rule created conducive atmosphere for peaceful change.
In Southern Cameroons anti-colonial struggle led by political parties took the road of dialogue, negotiation and constitutional developments followed by creation of institutions and elections in responds to the aspirations of the people.
But in French Cameroun with the unwillingness of Paris to give off direct control, UPC rebellion in the 1950s became inevitable. With French troops this was heavily crushed forcing remnants to go underground or into self exile. This prolonged the hostile environment though independence was attained on January 1, 1960 with the bush war raging on.
Southern Cameroons had self government in 1954 and adopted the British Parliamentary system, effective separation of powers, rule of law, press freedom and functional multiparty system. In 1959, Endeley’s ruling party narrowly lost in a general election and respecting democratic principles, he handed power peacefully to J. N. Foncha whose party won the elections. Southern Cameroons was a shining example of multiparty democracy in colonial Africa.
Unfortunately, UK as the Administering Authority, argued that this UN Trust territory (43.000sq km) was small and economically unviable to sustain itself as a sovereign independent nation. It thus proposed “independence by joining” either Nigeria, to the west, or French Cameroun, to the east.
It should however be understood that this position was in gross violation of Art. 76(b) of the UN Charter, the defined role of Administering Authority and the objectives of the Trusteeship Agreement.
Secondly, it is also worthy of note that this argument was baseless for Luxemburg which at the time was an independent nation is smaller than Southern Cameroons. Demographically and spatially Southern Cameroons is larger than thirty two nations of the UN. Economically, Southern Cameroons is rich both in human (more than 5 million people) and natural resources. Its economy was underdeveloped. The territory having been annexed and occupied by la Republique du Cameroun, a consequence of its botched decolonization process in 1961, its natural resources are being plundered by Yaounde. It accounts for 70 percent of the GDP of the two Cameroons, yet its two provinces are not even linked by a common tarred road. To move from the north to the south of the territory and vice versa, you are compelled to traverse two provinces of la Republique territory making the journey very long.
The current struggle led by the SCNC is to right the wrongs of 1961, free the people from the shackles of annexation, colonial occupation with all the attendant consequences, economic plunder and under development so that Southern Cameroons assumes its deserved seat within the family of sovereign nations and free people and contribute to global democracy, peace, justice and human progress.
Rene Mbuli
What is the SCNC and when did this whole struggle for the Southern Cameroons liberation begin?
Dr. Nfor Nfor
The SCNC i.e. the Southern Cameroons National Council is a non-violent liberation movement for FREEDOM, JUSTICE and INDEPENDENCE. It is fighting against a global monster, annexation, the violation of the territorial integrity of another nation which the UN in Resolution 2625 of 1970 has strongly condemned and declared such an act illegal, a crime against humanity and threat to world peace.
The SCNC respects the UN Charter, the AU Constitutive Act Art. 4(b) and all international obligations. It calls on the UN to complete the decolonization process aborted in 1961 and by compelling la Republique du Cameroun to respect its inherited colonial boundaries at independence admit Southern Cameroons into membership of the UN.
Rene Mbuli
Will a return to the pre-1972 Federal Status considered as a victory for the struggle or your demands are strictly centered on the complete Restoration of the Statehood of the Southern Cameroons?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Firstly and in reality, there was never any Federal status. A federal structure or system respects and defends identity and individual characteristics of component members. A federal system respects democratic principles and practices and each component in the federation has its constitution, rules itself and according to its values and aspirations carries its development plans. This has never been the case with the former distinct UN Trust territories of the two Cameroons.
President Ahidjo himself said there was no federation formed in Foumban. It was la Republique du Cameroun that transformed itself into a federation to absorb (annex) a part of its territory (Southern Cameroons) that was nurtured in a different language (English) and culture (Anglo-Saxon). What a provocative declaration! But remember, every imperialist looks for a justification, no matter how baseless.
Thus the so-called federation of 1961-1972 was a transitional structure. That is why when the time was ripe, he declared, “J’ai décidé …” (I have decided). Under the existing one party rule, he, by decree abolished what he created. The so-called federal constitution of 1961 was his will and by his will in 1972 he changed it by inviting his French constitutional experts to secretly prepare a new constitution. What took place in 1961, 1972 and 1984 was in accordance with a secrete plot unknown to Southern Cameroonians, UK and UN to annex and occupy the Southern Cameroons. Until this hidden truth is understood the legitimacy and legality of the struggle can never be understood let alone appreciated and given full support as was that of Kuwait.
The SCNC struggle is against annexation, assimilation, foreign domination, alien rule and economic plunder. It is committed to building a democratic state with effective separation of powers, rule of law, press freedom, and an inclusive society with equal opportunities for all its citizens.
Rene Mbuli
Given that the Southern Cameroons question is a matter of international law and that its fulfillment as a State would depend on the combined recognition both by the International Community (UN, AU, UK, France etc..) and the Republic of Cameroun; what are the main international organs and governments that are aware of and support the Southern Cameroons liberation struggle?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Yes, the Southern Cameroons Question of right to self determination, restoration of statehood and national sovereignty falls within the realm of UN Charter and international law. While we are legitimately anxious for the end to subjugation, annexation and colonial occupation history teaches us that a struggle of this nature calls for enormous sacrifices and time. To successfully lobby the UN and democratic world to change takes a lot of effort. Before us is the issue of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states. The UN is a club of sovereign nations and oppressors within do every thing possible to reduce a legitimate and legal struggle of this nature into an internal affair to explain it away. This is the up hill task that the SCNC or any liberation movement faces.
While concrete action is yet to be taken by the UN, AU, Commonwealth, EU, on our side that is not to say that they are unaware of the SCNC and Southern Cameroons struggle for freedom, justice and independence.
Committed to the peaceful resolution of this political conflict, in 1995 a Nine-man Delegation, including two former Prime Ministers of Southern Cameroons went to the UN and deposited a Petition against annexation.
In same year a signature referendum was conducted in which overwhelming majority favoured peaceful separation and independence. The results were comprehensively filed at UN.
Two litigations have taken place whose rulings declare the Southern Cameroons and Southern Cameroonians a distinct territory under international and people with full inalienable rights to self determination.
The first is the case against Nigeria whose ruling by the Abuja Federal High Court in March 2002 calls on Nigerian Government to stop treating Southern Cameroons as known and recognized in 1960 as an integral part of la Republique du Cameroun and to prosecute the Southern Cameroons rights to self determination at the ICJ, UN and any other international organization to a logical conclusion.
The second is the ruling of African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), Banjul which, among others, recommended Constructive Dialogue between Southern Cameroons and la Republique du Cameroun and offered its good offices to mediate. Since the ruling was approved by the AU Summit in July 2009, Libya, la Republique du Cameroun has refused to respect and submit to the Constructive Dialogue. The AU has it a duty to use its mechanisms on conflict resolution and make la Republique du Cameroun respect this ruling.
Rene Mbuli
The leaders of the Southern Cameroonians have been spearheading this struggle for many years now, but many Southern Cameroonians are unaware of the successes, especially judicial, that the various Southern Cameroons groups have achieved. Can you tell us what achievements have been made so far in this struggle?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Without doubt there have been some successes registered. This explains why the struggle is still on and growing stronger and stronger despite the repression.
Internally, SCNC structures exist in every County of Southern Cameroons. The level of awareness is very high though Southern Cameroons political and economic elites, hungry to pick the crumbs, contracts, and to be appointed to sinecure posts will pretend to dismiss the existence of the SCNC, the truth is that it is a hot potato in the regime’s pocket. This explains why the Yaounde spends fabulous sums of money on security, diplomatic tours to similar regimes, e.g. China, Morocco, and in paying lobbyists in Europe and America to fight the SCNC struggle for Southern Cameroons independence.
In the Diaspora SCNC structures exist in the USA, France, UK, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Italy, and South Africa and in some of these Southern Cameroonians have carried out peaceful demonstrations that have shocked the aggressor Yaounde regime.
Many activists have been arrested, tortured, detained and sued in Court in different parts of the territory but cases are always dismissed for lack of evidence. The regime has been called upon to charge SCNC activists for secession or treason if it has evidence but the expansionist regime back paddles.
Yaounde regime quakes whenever 1st October, Southern Cameroons Independence Day, and May 20th, Southern Cameroons Day of National Mourning, are at hand. Security is on red alert and more troops are ferried in from la Republique du Cameroun. The more they kill, brutalise, arbitrarily arrest and detain under dehumanising conditions, the more they rape, and the more they loot and destroy property, the more they promote and rob in the painful salt of hatred and bitterness annexation and occupation has institutionalized. That our people suffer all this and have not surrendered and retreated but are pressing on for their freedom and independence is great achievement.
On the diplomatic front we have taken the struggle to the UN, UNHRC, AU, EU, and Commonwealth and knocked on the doors of many sovereign nations that have given us listening ear and encouragement. We are pressing on and will press on to the end.
Rene Mbuli
There seems to be some sort of nonchalance, almost synonymous to ignorance on the part of many youths from the Southern Cameroons in particular and a cross section of the Southern Cameroonian population in general regarding the struggle. This has led to a spirit of apathy and complacency; leading many to accept the present status quo. Can you say something in this regard?
Dr Nfor Nfor
In the Cameroons there is no freedom of assembly, opinion, expression; movement is even curtailed through the many check points by the oppressive corrupt gendarmes and police.
Those found in possession of SCNC literature, T-shirts, membership cards, among others, are arrested and detained. They are either charged to court or released on payment of sums of money. Such systematic harassment and dehumanizing torture force the youths especially struggling to survive to withdraw out of fear and not for lack of interest and conviction.
While the government radio and television will not handle SCNC matter, private radio stations are often warned against broadcasting issues about the SCNC. Proprietors fearing closure of their radio stations or withdrawal of their licenses will not take the risk. But many want to know more about the SCNC and the struggle for freedom. Whenever a newspaper publishes something about the SCNC struggle the paper is on high demand / sold out.
The regime knows very well that the absolute majority of Southern Cameroonians, even those working with the regime support the struggle. There is a popular statement in Yaounde that “Anglophones are CPDM by day and SCNC by night”.
The struggle is very popular, it is legitimate and legal. This explains why President Paul Biya is running away but he can not hide from the blinding rays of truth and legality. The TRUTH will prevail i.e. victory for Southern Cameroonians: the coloniser, the oppressor has always stood on the wrong side of progressive history.
Rene Mbuli
Despite all the many efforts, actions and initiatives, it appears that the government of the Republic of Cameroun has deliberately chosen to ignore, evade and censor anything related to the Southern Cameroons or what some people have termed “the Anglophone problem”. What are the implications of such an attitude with respect to the notions of peace and conflict resolution?
Dr Nfor Nfor
No colonial power has ever given off or withdrawn easily and happily especially the source of its cheap labour, wealth and prestige. But all the same; as the old empires have collapsed so will the annexation and colonial occupation, indeed neo-apartheid of Southern Cameroons by la Republique du Cameroun end. The right to self determination of the subjugated is an unstoppable virus of our age. The consciousness of self and “WE versus THEM” which attains fulfillment in nationalism and national consciousness is only gaining greater heights. Southern Cameroonians are part of the human community; they are not indifferent to this global phenomenon, the reality of our time.
The challenge is for la Republique du Cameroun and President Paul Biya to read the handwriting on the wall and act accordingly.
Rene Mbuli
Given that the youths of the Southern Cameroons are those to whom will be legated the baton of command in due time; what part can they play in this liberation struggle?
Dr Nfor Nfor
The youths represent the future; they represent continuity. They are the hope of a better future. In the SCNC struggle for national restoration the youths constitute and play a vital role. The SCNC constitution gives the youths as well as the women a prominent role to play. Their membership and role is a right and not a privilege to be given by some demy god. I hold and defend consistently that any leader who fails to prepare grounds for his successor has failed in his role.
In the SCNC the youths are the engine of the movement and without them victory cannot be attained. I regard them as the soul of national future.
Rene Mbuli
After the Oslo Initiative, the major Southern Cameroons groups recently met in June 2011 in a conclave in Washington DC and formed the Patriotic Coalition Front (PFC); a united front to collectively carry the struggle despite the many differences that have marred the struggle. However, there seems to be some division among some groups in the struggle. In this regard, I am talking about the Ambazonia group which did not send any representative. Would this division not be a heavy blow to this attempt to tackle the struggle as a unified front?
Dr Nfor Nfor
The question which should preoccupy any well meaning observer is whether such differences are ideological or personal, fundamental or superficial.
To the best of my understanding all Southern Cameroons liberation movements are committed to FREEDOM, JUSTICE and INDEPENDENCE of Southern Cameroons in conformity with the UN Charter and international law. They are united and committed to seeing la Republique du Cameroun’s back out of the entire territory of Southern Cameroons as per the Anglo-French boundary treaty of 1931.
Though Ambazonia was absent in Buea in 1993, absent in the delegation to Petition the UN in 1995, absent in Oslo and in Washington in April and June 2011 respectively, what is self evident is that there is no contradiction between us on the core issue, namely, the restoration of the statehood of Southern Cameroons as a sovereign state and member of the UN. Whatever was done is on behalf of all Southern Cameroonians.
I should also point out that the leaders cordially talk to one another and discuss issues of vital interest to the FREEDOM of Southern Cameroonians.
Rene Mbuli
This 1 October 2011 will mark the 50th anniversary of the “Reunification” of the two Cameroons. This date is magnanimous in its significance , not only because it is a date many Southern Cameroonians look up to , for the commemoration of their independence which has always been characterized inter alia by repressions and illegal imprisonments by forces of the Republic of Cameroun; but also because it will enable Cameroonians from both sides of the Mungo to revisit their history. Are the respective Southern Cameroons movements planning to seize this symbolic anniversary to set the records straight and break fresher grounds for the liberation of the Southern Cameroons people?
Dr Nfor Nfor
To us there was neither “Reunification” nor “Unification” of the two Cameroons. These concepts are purposefully and deliberately used to confuse and mislead the subjugated. Reunification is a euphemism for annexation, colonial occupation of Southern Cameroons and assimilation of Southern Cameroonians by la Republique du Cameroun.
It may be of interest to you to know that the two Governors, the two Secretaries General in the Governors’ offices in the two provinces and twelve out of thirteen senior Divisional Officers in Southern Cameroons are all francophones. More than 90 percent of the uniform personnel – gendarmes, soldiers, and police – are francophones. This is evidence of annexation and occupation and assimilation and not Reunification or Unification.
Southern Cameroonians under the Patriotic Coalition Front (PCF) will be commemorating the 50th Anniversary of their Confiscated Independence with a legitimate resolve backed by international law to restore their statehood and Independence. We are committed to peaceful resolution of this political conflict.
If la Republique du Cameroun comes out to celebrate 1st October, a day on which they have brutally and extra-judicially killed and maimed peace-loving and law abiding Southern Cameroonians, the world should take judicious note of a repressive expansionist regime rejoicing for committing heinous crimes against humanity and hold President Paul Biya to account.
Rene Mbuli
Irrespective of the minor division among some of the groups, we can see that the struggle for the Southern Cameroons cause is making some progress and the PCF gives more hope for the future of the struggle. What is the next step for the movement? Where does the struggle intend to go from here?
Dr Nfor Nfor
We have adopted an agenda of “No surrender! No Retreat!” till the ultimate goal – SOVEREIGN INDEPENDENCE – is attained. Every aspect of the struggle is being sharpened for the way forward.
Rene Mbuli
Any last word or opinion?
Dr Nfor Nfor
While thanking the Southern Cameroonian people for their resolve to kick out la Republique du Cameroun and regain their freedom and with the free people build a new world free of injustice, oppression, foreign domination and alien rule, we;
a) Call on all Southern Cameroonians to unite behind the PCF for the final battle.
b) Call on all Southern Cameroonians serving the oppressor or determined to participate in the scheduled presidential elections to read the handwriting on the wall and take their rightful place in the liberation train now for tomorrow will be too late. In a liberation struggle there is no fence for fence sitters; you are either with the people or with the oppressor.
c)Call on the UN, AU and international community in general to take judicious note of la Republique du Cameroun’s deliberate disregard of ACHPR Ruling and intensification of military occupation and colonial rule. They should presssurise la Republique du Cameroun to withdraw its colonial administrators and colonial forces to within its inherited territory. Southern Cameroonians will not surrender to servitude. The international community should accept the fact that unity maintained by the barrel of the gun is an illusion and that they can be no human freedom, justice, peace and world democracy without respect for truth and defense of the right to self determination of the subjugated.
Southern Cameroonians do not look up to the UN and the democratic world for NATO lethal weapons and humanitarian aid to restore their statehood and independence, which is theirs by right under UN Charter; they want the UN to apply preventive diplomacy and end the annexation and colonial occupation of our land by la Republique du Cameroun. Now is the time for positive action for enduring peace between the two nations and peoples. Let us not wait for another Rwanda or Liberia.
Thank you for finding time to interview me on behalf of the subjugated people of the former UN Trust Territory of BRITISH SOUTHERN CAMEROONS.
Written Interview conducted in August and finalized in September 2011.
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Rene Mbuli and Nfor N. Nfor |
Rene Mbuli
Dr Nfor N. Nfor , you and other English speaking Elites from the Southern Cameroons have been very prominent in most scenes and fora to talk about the plight of the Southern Cameroons people. Can you briefly ventilate the minds of our readers on the history of the Southern Cameroons?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Firstly, may we talk simply of, you, (Nfor N. Nfor) and other Southern Cameroons elite and not “other English speaking Elites from the Southern Cameroons” because more than 90 percent of Southern Cameroonians, whether they speak English or not, support the struggle in one way or the other. English is the official (inherited colonial) language of British Southern Cameroons while French is that of la Republique du Cameroun (all former UN Trust territories).
Anti-colonial struggle in British Southern Cameroons like in all colonial Africa effectively started after WW II. Each colony or trust territory fought for independence from its European metropolis and the nature of the struggle, violent or nonviolent was determined by the policies of the metropolitan European power. Thus while the French policy of assimilation with the mind set of transforming overseas territories into provinces of France for direct control and plunder of the natural resources for the prestige and grandeur of France, made violence inevitable, British Indirect Rule created conducive atmosphere for peaceful change.
In Southern Cameroons anti-colonial struggle led by political parties took the road of dialogue, negotiation and constitutional developments followed by creation of institutions and elections in responds to the aspirations of the people.
But in French Cameroun with the unwillingness of Paris to give off direct control, UPC rebellion in the 1950s became inevitable. With French troops this was heavily crushed forcing remnants to go underground or into self exile. This prolonged the hostile environment though independence was attained on January 1, 1960 with the bush war raging on.
Southern Cameroons had self government in 1954 and adopted the British Parliamentary system, effective separation of powers, rule of law, press freedom and functional multiparty system. In 1959, Endeley’s ruling party narrowly lost in a general election and respecting democratic principles, he handed power peacefully to J. N. Foncha whose party won the elections. Southern Cameroons was a shining example of multiparty democracy in colonial Africa.
Unfortunately, UK as the Administering Authority, argued that this UN Trust territory (43.000sq km) was small and economically unviable to sustain itself as a sovereign independent nation. It thus proposed “independence by joining” either Nigeria, to the west, or French Cameroun, to the east.
It should however be understood that this position was in gross violation of Art. 76(b) of the UN Charter, the defined role of Administering Authority and the objectives of the Trusteeship Agreement.
Secondly, it is also worthy of note that this argument was baseless for Luxemburg which at the time was an independent nation is smaller than Southern Cameroons. Demographically and spatially Southern Cameroons is larger than thirty two nations of the UN. Economically, Southern Cameroons is rich both in human (more than 5 million people) and natural resources. Its economy was underdeveloped. The territory having been annexed and occupied by la Republique du Cameroun, a consequence of its botched decolonization process in 1961, its natural resources are being plundered by Yaounde. It accounts for 70 percent of the GDP of the two Cameroons, yet its two provinces are not even linked by a common tarred road. To move from the north to the south of the territory and vice versa, you are compelled to traverse two provinces of la Republique territory making the journey very long.
The current struggle led by the SCNC is to right the wrongs of 1961, free the people from the shackles of annexation, colonial occupation with all the attendant consequences, economic plunder and under development so that Southern Cameroons assumes its deserved seat within the family of sovereign nations and free people and contribute to global democracy, peace, justice and human progress.
Rene Mbuli
What is the SCNC and when did this whole struggle for the Southern Cameroons liberation begin?
Dr. Nfor Nfor
The SCNC i.e. the Southern Cameroons National Council is a non-violent liberation movement for FREEDOM, JUSTICE and INDEPENDENCE. It is fighting against a global monster, annexation, the violation of the territorial integrity of another nation which the UN in Resolution 2625 of 1970 has strongly condemned and declared such an act illegal, a crime against humanity and threat to world peace.
The SCNC respects the UN Charter, the AU Constitutive Act Art. 4(b) and all international obligations. It calls on the UN to complete the decolonization process aborted in 1961 and by compelling la Republique du Cameroun to respect its inherited colonial boundaries at independence admit Southern Cameroons into membership of the UN.
Rene Mbuli
Will a return to the pre-1972 Federal Status considered as a victory for the struggle or your demands are strictly centered on the complete Restoration of the Statehood of the Southern Cameroons?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Firstly and in reality, there was never any Federal status. A federal structure or system respects and defends identity and individual characteristics of component members. A federal system respects democratic principles and practices and each component in the federation has its constitution, rules itself and according to its values and aspirations carries its development plans. This has never been the case with the former distinct UN Trust territories of the two Cameroons.
President Ahidjo himself said there was no federation formed in Foumban. It was la Republique du Cameroun that transformed itself into a federation to absorb (annex) a part of its territory (Southern Cameroons) that was nurtured in a different language (English) and culture (Anglo-Saxon). What a provocative declaration! But remember, every imperialist looks for a justification, no matter how baseless.
Thus the so-called federation of 1961-1972 was a transitional structure. That is why when the time was ripe, he declared, “J’ai décidé …” (I have decided). Under the existing one party rule, he, by decree abolished what he created. The so-called federal constitution of 1961 was his will and by his will in 1972 he changed it by inviting his French constitutional experts to secretly prepare a new constitution. What took place in 1961, 1972 and 1984 was in accordance with a secrete plot unknown to Southern Cameroonians, UK and UN to annex and occupy the Southern Cameroons. Until this hidden truth is understood the legitimacy and legality of the struggle can never be understood let alone appreciated and given full support as was that of Kuwait.
The SCNC struggle is against annexation, assimilation, foreign domination, alien rule and economic plunder. It is committed to building a democratic state with effective separation of powers, rule of law, press freedom, and an inclusive society with equal opportunities for all its citizens.
Rene Mbuli
Given that the Southern Cameroons question is a matter of international law and that its fulfillment as a State would depend on the combined recognition both by the International Community (UN, AU, UK, France etc..) and the Republic of Cameroun; what are the main international organs and governments that are aware of and support the Southern Cameroons liberation struggle?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Yes, the Southern Cameroons Question of right to self determination, restoration of statehood and national sovereignty falls within the realm of UN Charter and international law. While we are legitimately anxious for the end to subjugation, annexation and colonial occupation history teaches us that a struggle of this nature calls for enormous sacrifices and time. To successfully lobby the UN and democratic world to change takes a lot of effort. Before us is the issue of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states. The UN is a club of sovereign nations and oppressors within do every thing possible to reduce a legitimate and legal struggle of this nature into an internal affair to explain it away. This is the up hill task that the SCNC or any liberation movement faces.
While concrete action is yet to be taken by the UN, AU, Commonwealth, EU, on our side that is not to say that they are unaware of the SCNC and Southern Cameroons struggle for freedom, justice and independence.
Committed to the peaceful resolution of this political conflict, in 1995 a Nine-man Delegation, including two former Prime Ministers of Southern Cameroons went to the UN and deposited a Petition against annexation.
In same year a signature referendum was conducted in which overwhelming majority favoured peaceful separation and independence. The results were comprehensively filed at UN.
Two litigations have taken place whose rulings declare the Southern Cameroons and Southern Cameroonians a distinct territory under international and people with full inalienable rights to self determination.
The first is the case against Nigeria whose ruling by the Abuja Federal High Court in March 2002 calls on Nigerian Government to stop treating Southern Cameroons as known and recognized in 1960 as an integral part of la Republique du Cameroun and to prosecute the Southern Cameroons rights to self determination at the ICJ, UN and any other international organization to a logical conclusion.
The second is the ruling of African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), Banjul which, among others, recommended Constructive Dialogue between Southern Cameroons and la Republique du Cameroun and offered its good offices to mediate. Since the ruling was approved by the AU Summit in July 2009, Libya, la Republique du Cameroun has refused to respect and submit to the Constructive Dialogue. The AU has it a duty to use its mechanisms on conflict resolution and make la Republique du Cameroun respect this ruling.
Rene Mbuli
The leaders of the Southern Cameroonians have been spearheading this struggle for many years now, but many Southern Cameroonians are unaware of the successes, especially judicial, that the various Southern Cameroons groups have achieved. Can you tell us what achievements have been made so far in this struggle?
Dr Nfor Nfor
Without doubt there have been some successes registered. This explains why the struggle is still on and growing stronger and stronger despite the repression.
Internally, SCNC structures exist in every County of Southern Cameroons. The level of awareness is very high though Southern Cameroons political and economic elites, hungry to pick the crumbs, contracts, and to be appointed to sinecure posts will pretend to dismiss the existence of the SCNC, the truth is that it is a hot potato in the regime’s pocket. This explains why the Yaounde spends fabulous sums of money on security, diplomatic tours to similar regimes, e.g. China, Morocco, and in paying lobbyists in Europe and America to fight the SCNC struggle for Southern Cameroons independence.
In the Diaspora SCNC structures exist in the USA, France, UK, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Italy, and South Africa and in some of these Southern Cameroonians have carried out peaceful demonstrations that have shocked the aggressor Yaounde regime.
Many activists have been arrested, tortured, detained and sued in Court in different parts of the territory but cases are always dismissed for lack of evidence. The regime has been called upon to charge SCNC activists for secession or treason if it has evidence but the expansionist regime back paddles.
Yaounde regime quakes whenever 1st October, Southern Cameroons Independence Day, and May 20th, Southern Cameroons Day of National Mourning, are at hand. Security is on red alert and more troops are ferried in from la Republique du Cameroun. The more they kill, brutalise, arbitrarily arrest and detain under dehumanising conditions, the more they rape, and the more they loot and destroy property, the more they promote and rob in the painful salt of hatred and bitterness annexation and occupation has institutionalized. That our people suffer all this and have not surrendered and retreated but are pressing on for their freedom and independence is great achievement.
On the diplomatic front we have taken the struggle to the UN, UNHRC, AU, EU, and Commonwealth and knocked on the doors of many sovereign nations that have given us listening ear and encouragement. We are pressing on and will press on to the end.
Rene Mbuli
There seems to be some sort of nonchalance, almost synonymous to ignorance on the part of many youths from the Southern Cameroons in particular and a cross section of the Southern Cameroonian population in general regarding the struggle. This has led to a spirit of apathy and complacency; leading many to accept the present status quo. Can you say something in this regard?
Dr Nfor Nfor
In the Cameroons there is no freedom of assembly, opinion, expression; movement is even curtailed through the many check points by the oppressive corrupt gendarmes and police.
Those found in possession of SCNC literature, T-shirts, membership cards, among others, are arrested and detained. They are either charged to court or released on payment of sums of money. Such systematic harassment and dehumanizing torture force the youths especially struggling to survive to withdraw out of fear and not for lack of interest and conviction.
While the government radio and television will not handle SCNC matter, private radio stations are often warned against broadcasting issues about the SCNC. Proprietors fearing closure of their radio stations or withdrawal of their licenses will not take the risk. But many want to know more about the SCNC and the struggle for freedom. Whenever a newspaper publishes something about the SCNC struggle the paper is on high demand / sold out.
The regime knows very well that the absolute majority of Southern Cameroonians, even those working with the regime support the struggle. There is a popular statement in Yaounde that “Anglophones are CPDM by day and SCNC by night”.
The struggle is very popular, it is legitimate and legal. This explains why President Paul Biya is running away but he can not hide from the blinding rays of truth and legality. The TRUTH will prevail i.e. victory for Southern Cameroonians: the coloniser, the oppressor has always stood on the wrong side of progressive history.
Rene Mbuli
Despite all the many efforts, actions and initiatives, it appears that the government of the Republic of Cameroun has deliberately chosen to ignore, evade and censor anything related to the Southern Cameroons or what some people have termed “the Anglophone problem”. What are the implications of such an attitude with respect to the notions of peace and conflict resolution?
Dr Nfor Nfor
No colonial power has ever given off or withdrawn easily and happily especially the source of its cheap labour, wealth and prestige. But all the same; as the old empires have collapsed so will the annexation and colonial occupation, indeed neo-apartheid of Southern Cameroons by la Republique du Cameroun end. The right to self determination of the subjugated is an unstoppable virus of our age. The consciousness of self and “WE versus THEM” which attains fulfillment in nationalism and national consciousness is only gaining greater heights. Southern Cameroonians are part of the human community; they are not indifferent to this global phenomenon, the reality of our time.
The challenge is for la Republique du Cameroun and President Paul Biya to read the handwriting on the wall and act accordingly.
Rene Mbuli
Given that the youths of the Southern Cameroons are those to whom will be legated the baton of command in due time; what part can they play in this liberation struggle?
Dr Nfor Nfor
The youths represent the future; they represent continuity. They are the hope of a better future. In the SCNC struggle for national restoration the youths constitute and play a vital role. The SCNC constitution gives the youths as well as the women a prominent role to play. Their membership and role is a right and not a privilege to be given by some demy god. I hold and defend consistently that any leader who fails to prepare grounds for his successor has failed in his role.
In the SCNC the youths are the engine of the movement and without them victory cannot be attained. I regard them as the soul of national future.
Rene Mbuli
After the Oslo Initiative, the major Southern Cameroons groups recently met in June 2011 in a conclave in Washington DC and formed the Patriotic Coalition Front (PFC); a united front to collectively carry the struggle despite the many differences that have marred the struggle. However, there seems to be some division among some groups in the struggle. In this regard, I am talking about the Ambazonia group which did not send any representative. Would this division not be a heavy blow to this attempt to tackle the struggle as a unified front?
Leaders of the SCNC Nfor .Nfor, Mola Njoh Litumbe, Kevin Gumne, Ebenezar Akwanga |
Dr Nfor Nfor
The question which should preoccupy any well meaning observer is whether such differences are ideological or personal, fundamental or superficial.
To the best of my understanding all Southern Cameroons liberation movements are committed to FREEDOM, JUSTICE and INDEPENDENCE of Southern Cameroons in conformity with the UN Charter and international law. They are united and committed to seeing la Republique du Cameroun’s back out of the entire territory of Southern Cameroons as per the Anglo-French boundary treaty of 1931.
Though Ambazonia was absent in Buea in 1993, absent in the delegation to Petition the UN in 1995, absent in Oslo and in Washington in April and June 2011 respectively, what is self evident is that there is no contradiction between us on the core issue, namely, the restoration of the statehood of Southern Cameroons as a sovereign state and member of the UN. Whatever was done is on behalf of all Southern Cameroonians.
I should also point out that the leaders cordially talk to one another and discuss issues of vital interest to the FREEDOM of Southern Cameroonians.
Rene Mbuli
This 1 October 2011 will mark the 50th anniversary of the “Reunification” of the two Cameroons. This date is magnanimous in its significance , not only because it is a date many Southern Cameroonians look up to , for the commemoration of their independence which has always been characterized inter alia by repressions and illegal imprisonments by forces of the Republic of Cameroun; but also because it will enable Cameroonians from both sides of the Mungo to revisit their history. Are the respective Southern Cameroons movements planning to seize this symbolic anniversary to set the records straight and break fresher grounds for the liberation of the Southern Cameroons people?
Dr Nfor Nfor
To us there was neither “Reunification” nor “Unification” of the two Cameroons. These concepts are purposefully and deliberately used to confuse and mislead the subjugated. Reunification is a euphemism for annexation, colonial occupation of Southern Cameroons and assimilation of Southern Cameroonians by la Republique du Cameroun.
It may be of interest to you to know that the two Governors, the two Secretaries General in the Governors’ offices in the two provinces and twelve out of thirteen senior Divisional Officers in Southern Cameroons are all francophones. More than 90 percent of the uniform personnel – gendarmes, soldiers, and police – are francophones. This is evidence of annexation and occupation and assimilation and not Reunification or Unification.
Southern Cameroonians under the Patriotic Coalition Front (PCF) will be commemorating the 50th Anniversary of their Confiscated Independence with a legitimate resolve backed by international law to restore their statehood and Independence. We are committed to peaceful resolution of this political conflict.
If la Republique du Cameroun comes out to celebrate 1st October, a day on which they have brutally and extra-judicially killed and maimed peace-loving and law abiding Southern Cameroonians, the world should take judicious note of a repressive expansionist regime rejoicing for committing heinous crimes against humanity and hold President Paul Biya to account.
Rene Mbuli
Irrespective of the minor division among some of the groups, we can see that the struggle for the Southern Cameroons cause is making some progress and the PCF gives more hope for the future of the struggle. What is the next step for the movement? Where does the struggle intend to go from here?
Dr Nfor Nfor
We have adopted an agenda of “No surrender! No Retreat!” till the ultimate goal – SOVEREIGN INDEPENDENCE – is attained. Every aspect of the struggle is being sharpened for the way forward.
Rene Mbuli
Any last word or opinion?
Dr Nfor Nfor
While thanking the Southern Cameroonian people for their resolve to kick out la Republique du Cameroun and regain their freedom and with the free people build a new world free of injustice, oppression, foreign domination and alien rule, we;
a) Call on all Southern Cameroonians to unite behind the PCF for the final battle.
b) Call on all Southern Cameroonians serving the oppressor or determined to participate in the scheduled presidential elections to read the handwriting on the wall and take their rightful place in the liberation train now for tomorrow will be too late. In a liberation struggle there is no fence for fence sitters; you are either with the people or with the oppressor.
c)Call on the UN, AU and international community in general to take judicious note of la Republique du Cameroun’s deliberate disregard of ACHPR Ruling and intensification of military occupation and colonial rule. They should presssurise la Republique du Cameroun to withdraw its colonial administrators and colonial forces to within its inherited territory. Southern Cameroonians will not surrender to servitude. The international community should accept the fact that unity maintained by the barrel of the gun is an illusion and that they can be no human freedom, justice, peace and world democracy without respect for truth and defense of the right to self determination of the subjugated.
Southern Cameroonians do not look up to the UN and the democratic world for NATO lethal weapons and humanitarian aid to restore their statehood and independence, which is theirs by right under UN Charter; they want the UN to apply preventive diplomacy and end the annexation and colonial occupation of our land by la Republique du Cameroun. Now is the time for positive action for enduring peace between the two nations and peoples. Let us not wait for another Rwanda or Liberia.
Thank you for finding time to interview me on behalf of the subjugated people of the former UN Trust Territory of BRITISH SOUTHERN CAMEROONS.
Written Interview conducted in August and finalized in September 2011.
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